East Side I-195 Overlay District
Providence, RI

This overlay zoning district is designed to ensure future development on land freed up by the relocation of I-195 on Providence’s East Side is context-sensitive and strengthens the neighborhood’s urban identity while maintaining access to the Providence Riverfront.

The East Side I-195 Overlay District is a zoning overlay district that was designed to regulate the future land use and development of surplus land made available through the relocation of Interstate 195 in the Fox Point neighborhood of Providence. The regulations will ensure that future development on the former highway right-of-way establishes an urban block structure, creates continuous building frontages, and improves pedestrian and vehicular accessibility in the Fox Point neighborhood and along the Providence Riverfront.

Local Form Studio’s Christopher Riale authored the ordinance, and conducted a development capacity analysis to determine maximum build-out under the proposed zoning regulations and to ensure that the regulations do not cause unnecessary encumberances on the parcels. The ordinance was adopted in June 2012 and is currently guiding the state-appointed I-195 Redevelopment District Commission tasked with overseeing the development of the parcels.

* Work completed by Christopher Riale while employed with the City of Providence Department of Planning and Development.


  • City of Providence Department of Planning and Development 


  • 2,000-foot swath of former I-195 land

Key Services 

  • Zoning and development controls

Year: 2012


Re:Zoning Providence


Day Hill Road Corporate Area TOD Guidelines